Entry for Monday, June 1

Yup...it's Monday...only!
You deserve that extra big cup to help you get through the week. (Big Smile!)
We wonder if Mrs. Hamer or Alison would pick the Monday cup of coffee! Hehehe!
Today in History
Hello class! Today we talk about another world-class musician who has a birthday on this day.
Alanis Morissette was born on June 1, 1974 here in Ottawa!
You'll be surprised to learn that she also attended our school, St. Bernard for her Grade Six year.
Alanis loves to support our local schools often donating money for the schools to be able to buy instruments for their music programs. Ottawa is very proud of Alanis Morissette.
"It would be so cool getting to meet Alanis, Mr. Hamer!" she called out with tremendous interest.
Language Learning
Today we have a lovely read-aloud that teaches us just how special each and every one of us are in the world.
Today we have a lovely read-aloud that teaches us just how special each and every one of us are in the world.
Video of Read Aloud for "Only One You"
Your Reading Task
Write four sentences describing why it's great that there is only one you. Copy the four phrases below and complete each sentence. Feel free to place a few happy faces or other shapes or drawings you like.
1. There's only one me and I like that because...
2. There's only one me and that is special because...
3. There's only one me and my family says...
4. There's only one me and my friends tell me...
"I'd love to read There's Only One You to my little baby sister someday, Mr. Hamer!" she says while holding her sister.
Math Learning
Algebra is the part of mathematics in which letters or other symbols are used to represent numbers and amounts in equations
4 = 4
The equals sign tells us that 4 is the same as 4.
3 +1 = 4
The equals sign tells us that 3 + 1 is the same as 4.
Now watch this...
2 + __ = 5
This tells us that 2 + "some other number" is the same as 5
To find the other number you can do the reverse operation with the two numbers you already know.
(Although, you probably can find the answer in your head!)
5 - 2 = 3
2 +_what number = 5
2 + 3 + 5
Your Math Task
Copy and complete the 12 equations and draw the boxes for the unknown number.
Place the answer in the box that will make both sides of the equals sign come out to the same amount.
Mr. Hamer has already given you three answers as a helpful guide...two are near the top and one is near the bottom.
"Say, Mr. Hamer," they say, "Thanks for explaining all of that algebra to us!"
Student Sharing
As always, Mr. Hamer loves when students share their work via the blog. Check out these great drawings of fractions for one half, one third and one quarter!
Many more fractions...all drawn accurately
Indeed, Canada is so many things!
Yes, Canada is family, a safe place, pretty, free and amazing!
What a wonderful fraction flower for one third!
One whole fraction flower!
Great sentence work.
We all share similar hopes and this prayer of Hope teaches us so much. Lovely!
Comparing fractions shows us equivalent ones.
Thank you for this lovely Hope prayer!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do the work and to get your mom to send it in S.G-S.
Copy and complete the 12 equations and draw the boxes for the unknown number.
Place the answer in the box that will make both sides of the equals sign come out to the same amount.
Mr. Hamer has already given you three answers as a helpful guide...two are near the top and one is near the bottom.
"Say, Mr. Hamer," they say, "Thanks for explaining all of that algebra to us!"
Student Sharing
As always, Mr. Hamer loves when students share their work via the blog. Check out these great drawings of fractions for one half, one third and one quarter!
Many more fractions...all drawn accurately
Indeed, Canada is so many things!
Yes, Canada is family, a safe place, pretty, free and amazing!
What a wonderful fraction flower for one third!
One whole fraction flower!
Great sentence work.
We all share similar hopes and this prayer of Hope teaches us so much. Lovely!
Comparing fractions shows us equivalent ones.
Thank you for this lovely Hope prayer!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do the work and to get your mom to send it in S.G-S.
We close this day with a lovely teacher's prayer. For Mr. Hamer, this is his last month of teaching as he will be retiring at the end of the month following a 40 year career. He feels so lucky to have had all of the wonderful students in his class this year. It has been a blessing to get to meet many of the families on-line through the distance learning.
Mr. Hamer looks forward to coming back to St. Bernard to volunteer next year! Have a great first week of June!
Mr. Hamer OCT
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