Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Thursday, May 28

Entry for Thursday, May 28

Today in History

On this day, May 28, 1934 five children were born into the Dionne family.  Yes...quintuplets.

Although they became famous, their lives were not easy.  They were "displayed" like something strange you would see in the circus back in those days.

Over 3000 people would pay to see them daily in a special display area across the road from the home where they were born.

Yet, they managed to overcome all of this sensationalism and scrutiny to grow up into lovely adult women.

Two members of the Dionne quintuplets are still alive today at the age of 86.

It is our hope that no children ever be put on display for the public again like these five girls were.

French Learning

Mme Pepe will be asking the class the question below during our Google Meet on this morning.

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
(When is your birthday?)

Response exemple: 

 "Mon anniversaire est le 16 Novembre 2010.

La chanson des jours de la semaine

Les mois

Les chiffres

Mme Pepe hopes that you have read the story "Je Joue".
 Today, she will as you your favourite sport (in French) when we meet up as a class.

Les sports

"We like doing our French work, Mme!" these two avid students announce.

Language Learning

The Fable entitled "The Fox and the Stork" teaches us how we should appreciate each other's differences.
Enjoy the cartoon version of this story below.

Video of the Fable "The Fox and the Stork"

This next Fable, "The Miller, His Son and the Donkey" teaches us that no matter how hard we try we can't please everyone!  Check it out below.

Video of the Fable "The Miller, His Son and the Donkey"

Your Reading Task

Quotation Marks for Direct Quotes

In the picture above the young woman told them she didn't like to see two people ride on the donkey.

But...what are the actual words she said?  Here they are below in red.

I don't like seeing two people ride on a donkey.

To show this in writing we put the actual words she said in quotation marks.  We put a comma after the word said and we put the period at the end of what she said inside the quotation marks.

The young woman said, "I don't like seeing two people ride on a donkey."

or...let's put what she said at the beginning of the sentence.

"I don't like seeing two people ride on a donkey," said the young woman.

For today, your task is to write these three examples of quotations below as special notes for yourself.
( thinking on your part...these are just notes for yourself for future reference.)
(Notice how Mr. Hamer put the direct quotes in blue to make it easier for you to see them.)


1.  The hare told the tortoise that the hare was going to win the race so easily.

     The hare told the tortoise, "I am going to win the race so easily!"

2.  The crow came up with an idea to place pebbles in the jar to raise the water level.

     The crow came up with an idea, "I will place pebbles in the jar to raise the water level."

3.  The dog asked himself what did he do after he dropped the piece of meat into the water.

     The dog asked himself, "What did I do?" after he dropped the piece of meat into the water.

This young lady smiles and says, "I love listening to all of the fables, Mr. Hamer!"

Math Learning


Your Math Task

For today's math we continue to learn if we can afford to buy an item.  In the chart above, the money you have is in the column called "Your Budget".  The item you wish to buy has a price tag on it.  

For each question, print you budget and then draw the item with its price tag.  (Get an adult to help if you need)
Then, draw a "happy face" if you can buy the item and a "sad face" if you cannot.  Then say how much more money you need in order to get the item.

"It's really important to learn about money!" this wise young girl states.

Student Sharing

Wow!  Such great art!

Love the birthday wish paintings, K.B.

Aha!  We have another birthday coming up soon!

Right on with both answers!

Yes, the lazy grasshopper realized his big mistake in the end!

Great looking math work.
Let's's my turn now...
$7.85 = 3 toonies + 1 loonie + 3 quarters + 1 dime
$7.85 = 7 loonies + 8 dimes + 1 nickel

Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Thanks for sending along these pieces of work direct from your computer as well.
Your sentences used all three words beautifully, C.C.

Another beautiful card for Mr. Hamer!
I love it!  Thank You so much M.S.

"We love seeing what our classmates share!" he smiles.

We end our day's work with this lovely prayer Mr. Hamer found off the internet.
Have a beautiful spring day everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

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