Entry for Wednesday, May 20
We welcome Wednesday into our homes.
Today in History
On this day in history, May 20, 1927...
...a 25 year old pilot took off from an airfield in New York...
...with the goal of flying solo (all by himself)...
...across the Atlantic Ocean to France in Europe.
This would be the first attempt at a solo flight across the ocean. (Other pilots had successfully done this flight as a tandem.)
This is an image of the airplane Charles Lindbergh flew.
Five years later...
...on the very same day that Charles Lindbergh took off from North America, May 20th...
...a young female pilot...
...named Amelia Earhart...
...attempted the same feat...
...of crossing the Atlantic Ocean as a solo flight.
She left Newfoundland bound for Ireland.
Check in tomorrow to find learn the outcome of their flights.
Language Learning
More Fables
Listen to this wonderful two-minute video of the Fable
"The Lion and the Mouse"
Video of Fable "The Lion and the Mouse"
Then listen to this interesting Fable called
"Belling the Cat"
Video of Fable "Belling the Cat"
Your Language Task
We have been learning how to "Make a List" or even a "Checklist" where you "check off" each item as it is completed. Today will be your last task for making lists.
Here are your choices...just choose one!
1. If you made a list on Aesop yesterday, make one on Fables today.
2. If you made a list on fables yesterday, make one on Aesop today.
3. You are one of the mice in the Fable "Belling the Cat". Make a list of the steps you would take to bell the cat!
4. Make a list of all the things you wish to do today!
Math Learning
We continue with our study of money.
The coin above is the Loonie.
A beautiful loon adorns the "tails" side of the coin.
We hear the loon's call at night when we are camping or at the cottage.
It is worth one dollar.
As always, the Queen's face in profile is on the "heads" side of the coin.
The coin above is the Toonie.
A majestic polar bear adorns the "tails" side of the coin.
Like the caribou on the quarter, the polar bear is one of our northern animals and is beloved.
It is worth two dollars.
Your Math Task
(Click on each worksheet to enlarge it.)
Like we have done with all of our coins so far, complete the worksheet above in your notebook. To draw the loonies simply draw a larger circle with a "1" inside or a "$1".
Then complete the questions at the bottom of the sheet.
Remember, we write money as follows.
One Dollar = $1.00
Two Dollars = $2.00
...and so on...
Do the same with this "Toonie" sheet by drawing circles and placing a "2" or a "$2" inside each large circle.
Math is easy today!!!
French Learning
Read the story "Au Printemps" below.
Story "Au Printemps"
Mme Pepe wants you to sing the "Alphabet Song" in French.
Then, she has asked that you write a French word that starts with the letters A, F, M, S and V.
Mme also tells us about an excellent French website.
It is called "Duolingo".
It is free and parents need to sign up for a subscription.
Students can learn at their own pace.
They can log in at any time of day!
Student Sharing
As always, we have some great examples of student sharing.
I love this money work and the creating of a list to go camping! Yes, you need the essentials, for sure!
More great money activities and an awesome list about Aesop, our great fable creator!
Thanks for the wonderful sharing, R.H-F!

We say good-bye today with this lovely prayer for all children for the day they celebrate their birthday.
Have a lovely day everyone! Mr. Hamer OCT
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