Entry for Monday, May 4
Welcome to the first Monday in May.
Today is a very special day.
It is the Monday of Catholic Education Week.
Our theme for Education Week this year is "Igniting Hope".
Each day of Education Week, we are asked to send a message of hope. Below is Monday's message.
Monday's message asks us to send a message of hope in your family.
Here is Mr. Hamer's message of hope for all of our families.
It is my hope that all of the families in our class stay safe and healthy throughout our "distance learning" period of time. May each family come closer to each other in caring and lasting relationships. May we continue to be renewed in the warmth offered by each and every family member.
Thank you, Mr. Hamer
Mr. Hamer, we have hope for a better world!
Language/Religion Learning
Mr. Hamer, thank you for teaching us more about Hope in our World.
French Learning

Above is a Mother's Day Card the students can make.
Students can use the following suggestions to complete their sentence for the card...or they can come up with a sentence of their own.
Mme has instructed the children to work on these throughout the week...
...and to review the words each day.
Today is "Star Wars Day"...May the 4th.
Rather than a "date" in history, this is a date each year!
Yoda has it right..."May the 4th be with you!"
I was but a teenager when the Star Wars franchise came into being. This wonderful series teaches us that good will always triumph over evil.
Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
We stick our tongue out at evil and embrace goodness!
These handsome lads always will say, "May the fourth be with you!" Hehehe!
Student Sharing
It is lovely to receive student work each day, be it French, Math or Language as indicated above.
A truly colourful effort!
Thank You to Jesus.
Faces, Edges and Vertices.
Division math and some great examples of seasonal fun!
More on the seasons.
A lovely "Thankful" note, some great 3D shapes showing movement and fine comprehension question answering.
Alphabetical order with the habitats.
More habitat work.
3D math is challenging but fun!
Summer is her favourite season.
Thanks for all of the sharing, S.G-S.
Here is a beautiful example of how we can combine math with art. Such a lovely fraction flower indicating halves!
Wonderful French and Math effort as well, C.C.
Great student sharing, as always, Mr. Hamer!
Indeed, the children of the world should be filled with Hope that God will care for us and look after us at all times.
We offer this 5 Finger Prayer of Hope as we begin our journey through Education Week.
Have a beautiful and blessed start to your week.
Mr. Hamer OCT
Today is a very special day.
It is the Monday of Catholic Education Week.
Our theme for Education Week this year is "Igniting Hope".
Each day of Education Week, we are asked to send a message of hope. Below is Monday's message.
Monday's message asks us to send a message of hope in your family.
Here is Mr. Hamer's message of hope for all of our families.
It is my hope that all of the families in our class stay safe and healthy throughout our "distance learning" period of time. May each family come closer to each other in caring and lasting relationships. May we continue to be renewed in the warmth offered by each and every family member.
Thank you, Mr. Hamer
Mr. Hamer, we have hope for a better world!
Language/Religion Learning
Hope is what keeps us going when we experience challenging times.
Click on the link below to read this wonderful story of Hope as witnessed in the eyes of a grandparent and grandchild from a family of lions.
Hope Read Aloud
Your Language/Religion Task
With the help of an adult, write your own "Message of Hope" for your family. Try to make your message three sentences long just like Mr. Hamer did for his message.
When you are done, create a "HOPE" picture or poster with the letters H-O-P-E. You can print the word hope in any fashion or manner you wish. It could just be the letters or you could have a nice picture in the background...your choice.
Make it as colourful as you wish.
Mr. Hamer, thank you for teaching us more about Hope in our World.
French Learning

Above is a Mother's Day Card the students can make.
Students can use the following suggestions to complete their sentence for the card...or they can come up with a sentence of their own.
elle est gentille, elle travail forte, elle m'aide beaucoup, elle prépare les souper, elle est intelligente, elle est belle...
Mme has also sent along three word searches that you find below. Mr. Hamer will send the wordsearches in printable format in his weekly e-mail Monday morning.
Mme has instructed the children to work on these throughout the week...
...and to review the words each day.
Looks like a lot of French fun!
Math Learning
Today we continue with our unit on Fractions.
We will learn about "Equivalent Fractions".
As the poster above says, "Equivalent Fractions have the same value, even though they may look different.
They are fractions that name the same amount or part.
Study the circles above. You can think of them as circles or pizzas or apple pies...if you wish.
Notice the first circle has been divided into halves, the second circle into fourths (or quarters) and the third circle into eighths.
All three circles look slightly different, but they have the same value or amount. All three show "half" of the circle coloured.
1/2 = 2/4 = 4/8
Your Math Task #1
In your notebook, draw the three circles you see above and divide them as they are shown. Print the fraction below each circle. Then print the equation 1/2 = 2/4 = 4/8
Usually we would say these three fractions are "equal"...but when we speak of equal fractions, we use the word "equivalent". That's cool that we learned a new math word!
We can also show fractions on a "number line". Notice how all of the fractions are located between the numbers 0 and 1. That's because fractions are part of a whole with 1 being the whole!
Notice also how the fractions 1/2, 2/4 and 4/8 all line up at the same spot on the number line...halfway between zero and one? That's because these three fractions have the same value. We say they are equivalent.
Your Math Task #2
Now, draw the three number lines shown in the anchor chart above. Be careful to get your spacing for the fractions just right..it's a little tricky!
Highlight 1/2, 2/4 and 4/8 in a different colour like the chart shows.
Now, look at the four fractions below. Mr. Hamer has added another equivalent fraction to the mix...3/6.
Yes, 3/6 has the same value as "half" the circle. so
1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 = 4/8
Cool, isn't it!
You don't have to draw this new chart...I just want you to know that you can divide the circle equally into as many parts as you like and if half of those parts are coloured then that fraction is equivalent to all of the others.
What if I divided the circle into 10 equal parts and coloured half of them? How many parts would be coloured?
Well...what is "half of ten"...........yes, 5!
5 of the 10 parts would be coloured because 5/10 = 1/2!
So-o-o 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 = 4/8 = 5/10
Math is so much fun!
It is my HOPE that you enjoy math as much as I do!
Mr. Hamer, I hope all of our class continues to work hard even into next year so we can always be the best we can be!
Mr. Hamer, I hope all of our class continues to work hard even into next year so we can always be the best we can be!
Today in History
Today is "Star Wars Day"...May the 4th.
Rather than a "date" in history, this is a date each year!
Yoda has it right..."May the 4th be with you!"
I was but a teenager when the Star Wars franchise came into being. This wonderful series teaches us that good will always triumph over evil.
Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
We stick our tongue out at evil and embrace goodness!
These handsome lads always will say, "May the fourth be with you!" Hehehe!
Student Sharing
It is lovely to receive student work each day, be it French, Math or Language as indicated above.
A truly colourful effort!
Thank You to Jesus.
Faces, Edges and Vertices.
Division math and some great examples of seasonal fun!
More on the seasons.
A lovely "Thankful" note, some great 3D shapes showing movement and fine comprehension question answering.
Alphabetical order with the habitats.
More habitat work.
3D math is challenging but fun!
Summer is her favourite season.
Thanks for all of the sharing, S.G-S.
Here is a beautiful example of how we can combine math with art. Such a lovely fraction flower indicating halves!
Wonderful French and Math effort as well, C.C.
Great student sharing, as always, Mr. Hamer!
We offer this 5 Finger Prayer of Hope as we begin our journey through Education Week.
Have a beautiful and blessed start to your week.
Mr. Hamer OCT
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