Entry for Tuesday, April 7
Today is Tuesday in Holy Week.
Hey...great idea! If you put your positive pants on, then you, too, will have a positive attitude today! Don't forget to put all of the rest of your positive clothes on.
Here's one of our classmates checking out the blog with her good friend keeping her company!
Another lad from our class sent this great image of some of the work he was completing! Way too cool!
Keep those pictures coming everyone!
This Day in History
On this day in history, April 7, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft took off (launched) from earth in 2001. Six months later, it would reach Mars and orbit the planet as shown in the artist's rendition above. Human beings are natural explorers (like our north pole trekkers yesterday) and we learn so much about science, social studies and, yes, ourselves, as we explore new lands and new worlds.
"Say, Mr. Hamer, maybe we could be famous explorers someday!" they call out.
"I agree...if you study hard and prepare for your journey!" Mr. Hamer responds.
Check out the procedural writing activity (below) Mr. Hamer came up with around the process the little boy and girl used to create their poster you see above.
Remember...the boy and girl had already done their research before they made their poster.
Mr. Hamer's Procedural Writing Example
Yes, procedural writing is just like telling a story in sequence!
Below is Mr. Hamer's example.
"Hey, that sure is a great example of procedural writing, Mr. Hamer!" these two say with big smiles.
Your Learning Task
Procedural Writing

Remember this example showing effective starter words?
This anchor chart offers up some more effective starter words for procedural writing.
Now that we have reviewed these examples, you may want to create another version of your own procedural writing around any subject you like. (The more you do, the better you get at it!) You can print your starter words in bold like Mr. Hamer did! Do it on a sheet of paper and place it in your binder or do it in your notebook.
"Say, Mr. Hamer. I wonder if Santa Claus uses the "procedural writing" stories Mrs. Claus has made for him which teach him how to slip down our chimney at Christmas time!" the young lads express with a smile and a grin!
Thinking of Others
Along with Martha, we offer our prayers to God to help keep everyone safe during this difficult time in our world.
Today is Tuesday in Holy Week.
Jesus' presence in Jerusalem did not go unnoticed by the authorities. Some of the leaders saw Jesus as a threat as they felt that they were the leaders and they did not want Jesus around. They try to discredit (trying to show others that he is not a real leader like them). On the Temple Mount they question Jesus in hopes of finding something they can use against Him. But Jesus's truthful and inspirational responses to their questions make all of the other people see him as their real king and not the leaders who are trying to make Jesus out to be a liar. Later, Jesus died for us and He taught us that we can overcome even the greatest of life's challenges with His help...which will always be available to us.
The priest in the short video below tells us some important words about Holy Week.
Short Video about Holy Week
Here's one of our classmates checking out the blog with her good friend keeping her company!
Another lad from our class sent this great image of some of the work he was completing! Way too cool!
Keep those pictures coming everyone!
This Day in History
On this day in history, April 7, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft took off (launched) from earth in 2001. Six months later, it would reach Mars and orbit the planet as shown in the artist's rendition above. Human beings are natural explorers (like our north pole trekkers yesterday) and we learn so much about science, social studies and, yes, ourselves, as we explore new lands and new worlds.
"Say, Mr. Hamer, maybe we could be famous explorers someday!" they call out.
"I agree...if you study hard and prepare for your journey!" Mr. Hamer responds.
Virtual Spirit Week at St. Bernard
Today is "Random acts of kindness day." Make someone else's day by doing an act of kindness. Make someone else's bed, set the table or send a message to a family member.
"Everyone is kind at my school!" she says as she slides along.
French Suggestion
Mois de L'année Song
Click on the video below to learn about the months of the year.
Click on the video below to learn about the months of the year.
Your Learning Task
Write yesterday's and today's date in French
example: Lundi le 6 avril 2020 for yesterday
Math Suggestion
Yesterday, we began learning about 3D shapes and you started committing their names to memory. Check out some of the three dimensional shapes above. Some are the same as the ones you learned yesterday and some are new.
From the chart above, you can learn that the pyramids have a base and then faces and edges rising up to a single vertex (point) while the prisms have two "same" shapes separated by a number of faces and edges.
Check out the yellow hemisphere. "Hemi" means "half" so a hemisphere is "half a sphere!"
Finally, note how a pentagonal pyramid has a pentagon as a base while a pentagonal prism contains two pentagons spread apart. The same goes for the hexagonal pyramid and hexagonal prism as well as all of the other prisms. Cool!
3D Shapes Video
Check out this fun 3D shapes video.
Your Learning Task
Like yesterday, try to commit the names of these new 3D shapes to memory.
Ask a family member to test you!
Because some of these newer shapes are harder to draw, simply print their name in a list of the ones that you know and the ones you still need to learn.
Pick three shapes and try to draw them! That might be challenging!
Look, Mr. Hamer made his list...I bet he has pretended that he still has some shapes to learn! Hee hee! (He still has to try drawing three of them.)
"We love learning about 3D shapes. In fact, our nutcrackers we made at Christmas time were made out of toilet paper rolls, which are really hollowed out cylinders, Mr. Hamer!"
Language/Science Suggestion
Remember our "habitat" poster the little boy and girl made from yesterday?
Remember...the boy and girl had already done their research before they made their poster.
Mr. Hamer's Procedural Writing Example
Yes, procedural writing is just like telling a story in sequence!
Below is Mr. Hamer's example.
First, get a large piece of paper.
Then print "Animal Habitats" in bold print at the top of the page.
After that, print a list of habitats you know in two columns.
Don't forget to add a picture showing the habitat beside its word.
Finally, colour all of your habitat pictures.
Click on the white arrow below to hear Mr. Hamer read his example of procedural writing.
"Hey, that sure is a great example of procedural writing, Mr. Hamer!" these two say with big smiles.
Your Learning Task
Procedural Writing

Remember this example showing effective starter words?
This anchor chart offers up some more effective starter words for procedural writing.
Now that we have reviewed these examples, you may want to create another version of your own procedural writing around any subject you like. (The more you do, the better you get at it!) You can print your starter words in bold like Mr. Hamer did! Do it on a sheet of paper and place it in your binder or do it in your notebook.
"Say, Mr. Hamer. I wonder if Santa Claus uses the "procedural writing" stories Mrs. Claus has made for him which teach him how to slip down our chimney at Christmas time!" the young lads express with a smile and a grin!
Thinking of Others
May this image of the palms and the cross allow us to keep Jesus in our thoughts and prayers. (After all, He is quite busy looking over all of us!)
Keep working hard, boys and girls, and be good at home for your family!
Have a terrific Tueday!
Mr. Hamer OCT
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