Saturday, April 4, 2020

Monday, April 6

Entry for Monday, April 6

Yes, teachers have as much fun as kids!
Thanks, Mrs. Montsion, for putting this lovely collage together!

Yes, this is the Monday of Holy Week.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday.  Had we been able to go to church, we would have received palms as we exited the church following mass.

We receive palm leaves at church because people laid palm leaves and blankets in front of Jesus along his route as he entered Jerusalem.  This was a sign of respect.

The people knew Jesus was their "King" but Jesus wanted to seen as a simple, humble Jesus chose to ride into Jerusalem aboard a donkey rather than a regal horse.

Click on the video link below to learn about Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday Video

Welcome to a new week at school.  Later on this week, we will gather in a class meeting on-line.  I'm really looking forward to that!  It will take place Thursday at 11:00  AM.  I will send that information out to the families closer to Thursday.  Any time you want to take a picture of your child's work and send it my way via e-mail, that would be great.  Have a lovely  Monday everyone!

The link you'll find below the picture of Mr. Hamer will take you to a video message from him. To return back to the blog following Mr. Hamer's message, click on the back arrow in the upper left corner of your video screen.

Mr. Hamer's Video Message

As Mr. Hamer mentioned in the video, how about getting a notebook or binder in which you can do any of the suggestions for assignments Mr. Hamer offers on the blog.  Then you can keep all of your work in one place and look at it whenever you like.  If parents wish to take a photo of any of the work, feel free to e-mail any pics you want!

This Day in History

On this day in history, April 6, 1909, humans reached the North Pole for the first time when explorers Robert E. Peary and Matthew A. Henson trekked across the barren snow and ice-laden landscape.  The National Geographic Society verified this claim to be true.

These two adventurers look dressed and ready for a similar excursion to the North Pole!

Check out the Canada flag on the globe above.  It covers the area where Canada is on the globe.  The North Pole would be in the middle of the blue ocean area above the flag.

Aha!  That's better.  See how the North Pole is above Canada, or north of Canada.
Even though it looks like the North Pole is in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, in fact the ocean has been covered with ice allowing explorers to walk there on long journeys we call treks.  (It may not be covered with ice at all times around the year.)

A cool cartoon of the North Pole.

Click on the map above to make it larger.
To return to your page, click outside the map.

Let's familiarize ourselves with the map of Canada.
From east to west (right to left) I will share the names of the provinces with you.

Red - Newfoundland and Labrador
Gold - Nova Scotia
Green - New Brunswick
Purple - Prince Edward Island
Mauve - Quebec
Blue - Ontario
Magenta - Manitoba
Yellow - Saskatchewan
Purple - Alberta
Orange - British Columbia
Blue - Nunavut
Green - Northwest Territories
Red - Yukon Territory

Your Learning Task
Have an adult point to a province or territory on the map below and see if you can tell them the name of the province or territory.  Then, make it your point to a province or territory and the adult has to tell you which one it is.  Before you begin, maybe study the map that is above on the blog.

When you have mastered the names of the provinces and territories, how about writing in your notebook or binder this sentence.

"I am proud of myself because I know all of the provinces and territories in Canada!"
And yes, it may take you a few days to learn them all, but that's okay!  Take your time and have fun reviewing them!  No rush at all.

Mr. Hamer has mastered the names of all the provinces and territories, so he is able to write his "mastery" sentence in his notebook!  Yabba dabba doo!

We love Canada!

"I think Canada is the best country in the whole wide world,"  she announces.

Virtual Spirit Week at St. Bernard
Today is "Show Your St. Bernard Pride Day."  Wear your school colours or your St. Bernard clothing.   

"Our school has so much spirit!" she exclaims.

Send Mr. Hamer a pic of yourself in our school colours and he'll post it on the blog!

French Suggestion

Mme Pepe has sent along the "Jour de la Semaine" song for you to practise.  Simply click on the link below!

Math Suggestion

Last week we learned about 2D shapes.and we learned most of  their names.
This week we will study 3D shapes.
(Because this is a four-day week, we will devote our math focus to geometry.  Next week we will investigate division.)

First, let's learn a couple of new 2D shapes along with a review of the 2D shapes we already know from last week.

                                                             Circle:  1 side
                                                    Semi Circle:  2 sides
                                                         Triangle:  3 sides
                                                          Square:  4 sides
                                                      Pentagon:  5 sides
                                                       Hexagon:  6 sides
                                                       Heptagon: 7 sides
                                                        Octagon:  8 sides
                                                       Nonagon:  9 sides
                                                      Decagon:  10 sides

Our goal today is to learn the names of our basic 3D shapes.
Remember...3D means three-dimensional.  That means that we can look at the shapes in three ways...length, width and height...or length, width and depth.

The blue shape above is a cube.
The yellow shape above is a cone.
The pink shape above is a sphere.
The green shape above is a cylinder.

Hey, remember the picture of Canada on the globe?  Well, the globe is a perfect example of a sphere!

Hey...I see the cube, cone, sphere and cylinder in among these shapes as well.
But, what about the other shapes?
The pyramid has a square base with four triangular faces and four edges leading up to a single vertex or point.
The red triangular prism is two triangles spread apart and joined together by three other faces and three other edges.
The yellow cuboid or rectangular prism is two squares separated far apart and joined together by four more faces and four more edges.
The purple hexagonal prism is two hexagons apart from each other and joined together by six more faces and six more edges.. 

3D Shapes Video
Check out this cute little video on five of the 3D shapes.

Or this fun one.

Your Learning Task
Try to learn the names of the eight 3D shapes from the image above.
On your page, print the name or draw each shape that you have learned the name of as a record of your learning.

Above you can see Mr. Hamer's example showcasing his learning of the shape names.
Below is a short video link showcasing his work with an explanation.

Mr. Hamer's Notebook Video

Language/Science Suggestion

Let's imagine a little boy and girl in grade two were asked to brainstorm some possible places where animals live.  They came up with a list they really liked and then they drew a small picture beside each place they dreamed up.  They knew that a habitat is a place where animals live, so they titled their sheet, "Animal Habitats."

Keep in mind that the children created some of their own ideas for habitats.

Your Learning Task
ABC Order
Let's make a new list of their 10 animal habitats, but this time, place the habitats  in ABC order.  That means "alphabetical order."  I will start the list with the first three habitats and you continue it in your notebook or on your binder page.

Animal Habitats


If you want, (that means optional) you could draw and colour a picture beside each habitat once you have them all in alphabetical order...just like the boy and girl had drawn a picture.  Good luck completing the list!

Three Habitat Sentences
Once your list is complete, pick three habitats and write a creative sentence about each one.  Underline the name of the habitat in each sentence.

example:  Animals must stay warm if they live in the mountain habitat.

Mr. Hamer's exemplar.  Note how he stopped after the third word in ABC order.  While he doesn't want to give all of the answers away, he expects you to finish up the list.
Mr. Hamer also wrote down his example sentence.  You should be able to do three sentences.

Mr. Hamer tried to get all three of today's activities on one page in his notebook.  You will most likely take up two pages because you have a bit more work as Mr. Hamer only gave examples in some cases.

"Say, Mr. Hamer.  That was fun figuring out the names of the Animal Habitats in ABC order.  You had the tricky part where two of the habitats began with the same and forest.  We didn't have any of those problems with the other habitats!

Let's remind ourselves that Lent is a season of renewal.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe and healthy!
Mr. Hamer OCT

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