Entry for Thursday, April 16
Today is Thursday, April 16, 2020.
Did you survive that snow that surprisingly appeared on the ground yesterday?
To think that we thought spring was already here!
Today in History
On April 16 in 1889, this funny looking gentleman was born.
His name was Charlie Chaplin and he was a very funny man.
Don't ask your parents about him...ask your "grand"parents! Hee Hee!
The modern day Mr. Bean would have admired Charlie Chaplin.
Check out two of his short (one minute to two minute) "silent films."
French Learning
Read the story Le Chat with your family and we will discuss this story during our Hangouts meeting with Mme Pepe and Mr. Hamer later this morning.
Also, continue listening to the song about the days of the week and months of the year.
Write the date every day in French.
Click on the link below for the days of the week song.
Math Learning
We continue with our new unit of study on Division.
What's this train coming into town on Mr. Hamer's model railroad have to do with division?
What's this?
Whoa! Yummy!
Look at that hopper car filled with Easter Eggs. Does the Easter Bunny know something about "Division" that we don't know?
Hey, the Easter Bunny gave these 12 eggs to Mr. Hamer!
But, Mr. Hamer wants to "share" them with these three students.
So, Mr. Hamer begins "dividing" the 12 eggs equally.
First, each student receives one egg.
Then two eggs each.
See how the 12 eggs are quickly disappearing from Mr. Hamer to the children.
The students have three eggs each.
Oh! The 12 eggs are all gone. How many do the three students now have each?
You are correct. Each student now has four eggs.
Let's show this in a math equation. Hey, that's the same math problem we showed yesterday! We read the equation like this: 12 divided by 3 equals 4.
Let's add another student.
Now we will dividing Mr. Hamer's 12 Easter eggs among four students.
First, each student gets one egg.
This helps us keep in our heads that the eggs are being shared "equally" or "fairly."
Important note: See how Mr. Hamer "took away" four of his Easter eggs. Yes, division is related to subtraction. Mr. Hamer subtracted four eggs from his bunch as he divided them up for the children.
Then, they receive a second egg.
(Mr. Hamer just subtracted four more eggs. That's two subtractions of four he has done!)
Finally, the eggs are all gone! Oh no! Mr. Hamer has no more eggs! How many do the four students now have? You are correct. Each student now has three eggs.
(Mr. Hamer just subtracted his final group of four eggs. Cool ,eh?)
Like before, let's show this in a math division equation.
We read the equation like this: 12 divided by 4 equals 3
"Hey Easter Bunny!" Mr. Hamer calls out, "You can visit my model railroad anytime!"
Learning Task
Before, I share the task, remember to snap some images of your work and e-mail them to Mr. Hamer. You don't have to show every part of the lesson you have done, but you can if you want!"
First of all, find twelve small identical objects around the house. (blocks, coins, lima beans, etc) and try out the same two division problems we did. Feel free to print student names on small pieces of paper or feel free to use names of people in your family. Don't forget to print the two equations on another piece of paper...12 divided by 3 =4 and 12 divided by 4 = 3.
Then, start over with the same 12 objects.
This time, share them among two people only.
Write the division equation you arrive at.
After that, split the 12 objects among six people and write the new equation.
Next, split the 12 objects among 12 people.
How many objects does each person receive now!
Last of all, print your name on a small piece of paper.
Divide the 12 objects among "yourself."
How many objects do you get? (You hope they are chocolate, I bet!)
In total, you should have written six division equations using the number 12.
Today is Thursday, April 16, 2020.
Did you survive that snow that surprisingly appeared on the ground yesterday?
To think that we thought spring was already here!
Today in History
On April 16 in 1889, this funny looking gentleman was born.
His name was Charlie Chaplin and he was a very funny man.
Don't ask your parents about him...ask your "grand"parents! Hee Hee!
The modern day Mr. Bean would have admired Charlie Chaplin.
Check out two of his short (one minute to two minute) "silent films."
French Learning
Also, continue listening to the song about the days of the week and months of the year.
Write the date every day in French.
Click on the link below for the days of the week song.
Click on the link below for the months of the year song.
Math Learning
We continue with our new unit of study on Division.
What's this train coming into town on Mr. Hamer's model railroad have to do with division?
What's this?
Whoa! Yummy!
Look at that hopper car filled with Easter Eggs. Does the Easter Bunny know something about "Division" that we don't know?
Hey, the Easter Bunny gave these 12 eggs to Mr. Hamer!
But, Mr. Hamer wants to "share" them with these three students.
So, Mr. Hamer begins "dividing" the 12 eggs equally.
First, each student receives one egg.
Then two eggs each.
See how the 12 eggs are quickly disappearing from Mr. Hamer to the children.
The students have three eggs each.
Oh! The 12 eggs are all gone. How many do the three students now have each?
You are correct. Each student now has four eggs.
Let's show this in a math equation. Hey, that's the same math problem we showed yesterday! We read the equation like this: 12 divided by 3 equals 4.
Let's add another student.
Now we will dividing Mr. Hamer's 12 Easter eggs among four students.
First, each student gets one egg.
This helps us keep in our heads that the eggs are being shared "equally" or "fairly."
Important note: See how Mr. Hamer "took away" four of his Easter eggs. Yes, division is related to subtraction. Mr. Hamer subtracted four eggs from his bunch as he divided them up for the children.
Then, they receive a second egg.
(Mr. Hamer just subtracted four more eggs. That's two subtractions of four he has done!)
Finally, the eggs are all gone! Oh no! Mr. Hamer has no more eggs! How many do the four students now have? You are correct. Each student now has three eggs.
(Mr. Hamer just subtracted his final group of four eggs. Cool ,eh?)
Like before, let's show this in a math division equation.
We read the equation like this: 12 divided by 4 equals 3
"Hey Easter Bunny!" Mr. Hamer calls out, "You can visit my model railroad anytime!"
Learning Task
Before, I share the task, remember to snap some images of your work and e-mail them to Mr. Hamer. You don't have to show every part of the lesson you have done, but you can if you want!"
First of all, find twelve small identical objects around the house. (blocks, coins, lima beans, etc) and try out the same two division problems we did. Feel free to print student names on small pieces of paper or feel free to use names of people in your family. Don't forget to print the two equations on another piece of paper...12 divided by 3 =4 and 12 divided by 4 = 3.
Then, start over with the same 12 objects.
This time, share them among two people only.
Write the division equation you arrive at.
After that, split the 12 objects among six people and write the new equation.
Next, split the 12 objects among 12 people.
How many objects does each person receive now!
Last of all, print your name on a small piece of paper.
Divide the 12 objects among "yourself."
How many objects do you get? (You hope they are chocolate, I bet!)
In total, you should have written six division equations using the number 12.
This video shows how division is really repeated subtraction.
Read the story "Seasons" by clicking on the link below.
Take note of how the first page ties in nicely with our Division learning.
There are 12 months in a year.
There are four seasons.
Therefore each season contains three months.
12 divided by 4 = 3
Love it!
Sharing and Grouping
Language Learning
Remember this picture from yesterday when we found snow on the ground after waking up?
Well, Snoopy has the right idea! While our season now is "spring", yesterday it felt a touch like "winter".
Read-Aloud on the Seasons.Language Learning
Remember this picture from yesterday when we found snow on the ground after waking up?
Well, Snoopy has the right idea! While our season now is "spring", yesterday it felt a touch like "winter".
Read the story "Seasons" by clicking on the link below.
Take note of how the first page ties in nicely with our Division learning.
There are 12 months in a year.
There are four seasons.
Therefore each season contains three months.
12 divided by 4 = 3
Love it!
Learning Task
Adjectives are "describing words."
We use adjectives in sentences to describe nouns. As the poster above indicates, adjectives can tell us so many things about what they are describing:
- what colour it is
-how big or how small something is
-how someone or how an animal feels
-the appearance of something (what it looks like)
-how things behave (people, animals, plants, objects)
-the noises things make
-how many
Your task is to complete the following four sentences while including an adjective in the sentence. Underline, bold-face or colour the adjective in your sentence.
Here are examples from Mr. Hamer
1. I like winter, because I can make a beautiful snow angel.
2. I like spring when the we can step outside in the fresh air.
3. I like summer for you can play outdoors without wearing heavy clothes.
4. I like fall as you go back to school and see your favourite classmates once again.
Your turn. On a piece of paper, complete your own four unfinished sentences and include an adjective in each sentence. Highlight the adjective in some way.
1. I like winter...
2. I like spring...
3. I like summer...
4. I like fall...
Send Mr. Hamer a picture of your fine work!
Student Sharing
Remember to keep those assignments coming in.
Here we check in on some wonderful sentences describing Jackie Robinson. Indeed Jackie was a brave man with more courage than all of us put together! Thanks C.O'F.
More wonderful answers regarding the life of Jackie Robinson.
Thanks for sharing R.G.

Mme Pepe will be thrilled to see this other young lad printing the day of the week in French!
Indeed, the bicycle from our story "The Patchwork Bike" was made of 3D shapes.
We all liked different aspects of the bike from the story.
Yes, the mom was "fed up" because so much was happening around her so fast and she had little control over those things.
Lovely sentences relating to Jackie Robinson!
Great video. Thanks for all of your pictures and this video, R. H-F.
The story of Jackie Robinson really left an impression on all of us.
Great sentences...C.C.
The Patchwork Bike was a fine story as well.
I've enjoyed reading your responses to the comprehension questions.
Another great effort around the story of Jackie Robinson.
Nice bold-facing of the four words!
Wow! Love this poster showcasing how to divide.
Division Deema will make a great teacher when she grows up!
Thanks for sharing M.S.
Such wonderful examples of creating sentences with specific vocabulary around the Jackie Robinson story once again.
Yet another great example of our division poetry this time with "Division Dorothy." Super work G.M.
As always, we thank God for creating the seasons with each one offering us lovely gifts to appreciate.
Have a great day everyone and we'll see you at our classroom meet at 11:00 AM this morning!
Mr. Hamer OCT
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