Thursday, April 2, 2020

Friday, April 3

Entry for Friday, April 3

Hello everyone!  It's Friday.
I miss you all and wish we could all be back at "The Barnyard."  (That's my affectionate name for "St. Bernard.")  Please enjoy a great weekend coming up and remember to stay safe!

Yeah!  It's Friday!

On this day in history back in 1957, the computer you see being delivered was plugged in and started up in Norwich, a city in the county Norfolk, England.

Boys and girls...check out the size of this computer and compare it to the size of your device on your lap or on your desk!  Yes, computers back in those days were massive...and they could do very little compared to your home computer which is much smaller!

The image above shows it being delivered a couple of months earlier in late February of that year.  It was on this day in 1957 that it began working!  It sure took up a lot of space!

Keep in mind, this was not the first computer invented.  You can google that one!
But...the first ever mobile phone call was made on this day in 1973 in New York City.

"Hey, Mr. Hamer.  They should bring that huge computer and set it up in the Museum of Science and Technology here in Ottawa!"

It is always nice to remind ourselves about our abilities and what we can do to improve!
This is known as our "growth mindset."

Here is a great resource for easy-to-read books sent from Ms. Vranas.

Religion Suggestion

We recall the story we read earlier in the week when...

...Jesus visited his friends Mary and Martha...

...Through John's gospel reading, we learned that Jesus performed a miracle at the request of his good friends, Mary and Martha...he brought Lazarus back from the dead and gave him new life.

..Throughout the life of Jesus, he performed a little over 30 miracles.
He never performed a miracle to be seen as a trick of magic.

Jesus performed miracles for people he loved, for people who believed in God and for people in extreme need and who believed.

To view two different versions of the Bible story of Jesus Raising Lazarus, click on the links below.  The first link is a shorter version.  The second link is longer and offers some more information about the three siblings, Martha, Mary and Lazarus.

Video of Jesus with Mary, Martha and their brother, Lazarus

"Thanks for sharing the two videos, Mr. Hamer," he calls out as he climbs the web.

Math Suggestion

We will finish up our study of multiplication today.
Hopefully you have been studying your times tables from 0-5.
You can rehearse the six to nine times tables on your own with the help of a family member.
If you master them before grade three, that would be awesome and you could impress your next year's teacher with your lightning speed and accuracy of your times tables!

I will show you one chart for the ten and the eleven times tables just for fun!

Note how all of the numbers in the ten times table end in zero!  Easy!
Also note how the zero follows the number you had multiplied 10 by.

Look at the 11 times tables.  Easy!  3 x 11 = 33, 4 x 11 = 44.  See the pattern, at least up to the number nine?  Cool, eh.

Check out the video below to learn a cool trick with your hands that will let you learn the nine times tables really quick and easy.  Too much fun!

Videos showing a trick for the nine times table.

 The little girl in the video below shows you the same concept with her smaller hands.

Now...remember to wash those hands frequently!

Before we leave our mini-unit on multiplication, remember that we are multiplying "equal groups."  Above, there are five lily pads with each one having four frogs resting on them.

5 x 4 =20
There are 20 frogs in all.

Here we have three groups of five flowers.
3 x 5 = 15
We have 15 flowers in all.

In this example, there are three groups of four items.
3 x 4 = 12
There are 12 items in all.

Language Arts Suggestion

Check out this fun example of procedural writing.
A little person came up with this great idea. about this fine example!
Yum yum, Mr. Hamer used to love drinking Kool-Aid as a kid!

Hey!  What steps could you write for babysitting Grandma?
That would be a fun one!

Oh yes,  Mr. Hamer finished another 1000 piece puzzle last night!

This one was easy as there were so many different items to find in the pile of pieces and they were of many different colours!

Say, that;s the Eiffel Tower in the background of the puzzle!

Say, there's the Eiffel Tower in the background of this photograph...but who's the good-looking guy in the front.  If you can figure that mystery out, let me know!

Have a wonderful I mentioned at the top of this post, stay safe.
Mr. Hamer OCT

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