Monday, March 9, 2020

Week Twenty-Five of School

We recently celebrated Ash Wednesday...

...which is the beginning of Lent.

The school buried our Alleluia banner.

Crosses in the hallway...

...remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Back in February we celebrated Canada Flag Day as well.
Our agenda helps us remember the names of the provinces.
We also studied the four possible flags that were considered for our country.

He is colouring a Religion sheet on Respect.

She is completing a math sheet.

He's a quick worker.

She showcases great printing skills.

Respect is important to us all...

...whether we are boys or girls.

A couple of hard workers.

We have fun at play as well.

The blocks help us to keep track of our math work.

A close up view of the girls, sea creatures.

Hey, his sea creature fits in with our unit on Oceans Alive!

Aha!  A fish containing many fish!  Now, that's clever!

We learned a lot about the oceans.

We brainstormed what we learned.

Then we wrote as an entire class.

Our finished work adorns the wall.

Our oceans are vital to the planet.

They help to moderate the climate...

...around the world.

That means that the oceans help...

...keep the climate in balance.

The oceans provide us with plenty of...!  Yummy!

They also act as a recreational playground...

...for many tourists...

...all around the world.

Did you know...

...that the oceans produce...

...over half of the world's oxygen.

The oceans also...

...absorb over 50 % of the world's...

...carbon dioxide.

By regulating our climate...

...the oceans move warm water from the equator...

...north and south... the polar regions.

Finally...the oceans offer us many therapeutic properties...

...and they generate jobs for people who love doing oceanic research!

Could you believe it?

We had another "snow day"...

...just a short while ago.

Mrs. Lucy is helping out... our combined class...

...of grade two's...

...from all three rooms in the school...

...while the blizzard continued outdoors!  Yikes.

But we didn't we enjoyed yet another Spirit Day!
Have a great evening everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

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