Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday, March 25

Entry for Wednesday, March 25

Hello parents/guardians.  Just a reminder that anything you do extra special with your child around the house during this school closure time will be remembered by him/her years to come from now.  I've been receiving wonderful e-mails from you and I really appreciate hearing from the students.  It is so refreshing to discover how many of the students are baking with an adult, helping prepare meals, planting seeds for new growth in the spring, helping design the overall schedule for the day including the grocery list, or perhaps developing a deeper relationship with grandparents as mom and/or dad has to work outside the home performing an essential service in a very important line of work.  Indeed, these moments will be cherished by your child for years to come.  Should your child wish to follow the activities in the blog, I'd recommend not spending any more time than an hour a day with any of these items at the computer.  Enjoy your family!
Keep those wonderful e-mails coming!  I'll respond to them all!

Have a great day!  Mr. Hamer OCT

Say...how did this day of the week, Wednesday, get its name?

Remember...we honour just one God...our Lord.
But in ancient times some people honoured other Gods.
The name Wednesday comes from the Germanic God Woden.  It was known as 

"Woden's Day" which is translated into English as "Wednesday!"

In ancient Rome, Wednesday was the day of the Roman God Mercury...who was the "Messenger of the Gods".

"Mercury" translates into "mercredi", the name we reference in French for Wednesday!

Now you know the rest of the story!  Hee Hee Hee!
Say, for a grade two student, you now know a little bit of history...a subject you may study in high school!  Yabba Dabba Doo!

"Thanks for showing us all that information about Wednesday, Mr. Hamer!" both lads say with a smile.

This lovely young lady pictured above has been checking out some cool educational websites during this down time.  She and her wonderful mom sent me the link to a great site called "Brains On." 

The mother/daughter team investigated one of the many podcasts at "Brains On"...this one featured "The Secret World of Dust" and they found it rather fascinating!

Check out the Brains On link below.

Parents and guardians...just a reminder that Scholastic offers up this free website to allow you to learn from home.  Click on the Scholastic link below to check it out!


Math/Art Integration Suggestions

We have been learning about various 2D shapes.
How about incorporating Math with Art.

  See how this artist used a variety of 2D shapes to draw this train locomotive?
I see squares, rectangles, triangles and circles.

This person used many of the same shapes as the train locomotive.
They used two other shapes...an oval and a trapezoid.
Can you find them?
Yes, the oval is used for the tree on the left and the trapezoid is used for the walkway!

Lots of triangles were incorporated into this work of art!  Wow!  I also see some circles (flowers and sun), some triangles (tress, mountains, sail on the sailboat) and even a trapezoid (the hull of the sailboat).  Cool, eh!

Why don't you take a piece of paper and draw your own picture using whichever shapes you wish!

Hey!  When you have a bit of down time how about having a family member quiz you on your zero, one and two times facts!

0 x any number = 0 always
1 x any number = that number you multiplied one by
2 x any number = doubling the number or adding the number to itself

While his shirt says "GAP", there are no gaps in this young lad's learning!
He loves the challenge of multiplying numbers and he often asks me to give him harder ones from higher up the number scale!

Mathology Link From Pearson Canada

Another great math link for parents has been released by Pearson Books Canada
called Mathology.  Check it out below!


French Sites to Visit

I asked Mme Pepe if she wanted me to share some French information with you.  She offered up these sites to visit at your convenience.  (I noticed that SORA is there...a website I offered up for you earlier...I imagine they offer French books to read on-line as well.)

French Links








Language Arts Suggestion

Wow! Since today is Wednesday, why not consider it to be "Wacky Wednesday!"
Check out the read aloud for this fun Dr. Seuss story at the link below.


Wow!  What a great story!  

Say..."Wacky Wednesday" is a title that uses Alliteration!
The words begin with the same letter or sound.
You can also find alliteration in sentences where "most" of the words begin with the same sound.  Check out these examples below!

Yum yum!
 Love those peppers!

Great examples!
My tongue is getting sore!

Check out the video which is linked below the next picture.
It tells us a lot about alliteration!


Say!  Maybe you could try creating some of your own alliterations with a family member!

The students tell me..."Those alliteration examples are real tongue twisters, Mr. Hamer!  Our tongues are so twisted around we may not be able to eat our snacks at recess time!"

Music Suggestion

Mr. Hamer loves playing the guitar and we have learned a few songs in class this year. 

A children's singer Mr. Hamer loves to listen to is Raffi.

Raffi's song "All I Really Need" is a wonderful tune we would have learned in class with Mr. Hamer. 

Listen to the words of this wonderful song at the link below.


Below are the lyrics to this wonderful song.

All I Really Need by: Raffi

All I really need is a song in my heart

Food in my belly and love in my family
All I really need is a song in my heart and love in my family

And I need the rain to fall

And I need the sun to shine
To give life to the seeds we sow
To give the food we need to grow
All I really need is a song in my heart and love in my family

All I really need is a song in my heart

Food in my belly and love in my family
All I really need is a song in my heart and love in my family

And I need some clean water for drinking

And I need some clean air for breathing
So that I can grow up strong
And take my place where I belong
All I really need is a song in my heart and love in my family

All I really need is a song in my heart

Food in my belly and love in my family
All I really need is a song in my heart and love in my family
For the mamas and the papas...love in my family
For the brothers and the sisters...love in my family
For everybody...love in my family

"That was fun hearing Raffi sing that beautiful song with his guitar, Mr. Hamer!" she announced.

Have a crazy cool day everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

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