You'll remember last week...
...when our buddy class visited...
...and Mr. Hamer read the bible story of Creation.
Our friends from the junior class assisted us in colouring our class book around the story.
This is the cover for the book as created by Mr. Hamer.
Each child in our class...
...worked with a friend from Mr. Papineau's class.
They had to think back on the seven days of creation... order to colour their individual days...
...on the page.
Day one was easy...God created light and dark/day and night.
Day two was also an easy one.
God created the sky and separated it from the waters.
On day three God made the land and sea... and water.
Day four we get the lights in the sky...
...the sun...
...the moon...
...and the stars.
On day five...
...we find the creatures of the sea...
...and of the sky.
On day six...
...we learn that God created...
...the creatures of the land...
...including man...
...and, of course, woman. Then on day seven God rested.
We spot our homework from last week...
...out in the hallways outside the classroom.
Here are...
...some examples...
...of the fine work...
...the students did... home...
...under the supervision...
...of older family members.
Back in school...
...we coloured backgrounds...
...for their lovely work.
The sun shines in on our class and the colours of the banners look glorious.
Speaking of glorious...
...all of our students...
...are glorious learners.
This young lad... teaching us all about...
...fact families in math.
We learned that each fact family... made up of...
...three numbers. Here's an example.
3+2=5 2+3=5 5-3=2 and 5-2=3
A lovely drawing created by a lovely student.
This must be a new technique for colouring.
The girls...
...are working together...
...on their...
...fact family math sheet.
As are these folks. Have a great evening and check in tomorrow!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT
Time to point out our own work.
We take pride in our completed assignments.
Our creation board...
...allows us to show off...
...our creations!
Any work that appears on this board in the classroom...
...will be published into...
...a new class book.
There's a publishing machine... the office of the school.
Mr. Hamer has his own publishing machine... his home.
The smiles...
...and happy faces...
...tell it all.
We love to get our work up on the wall...
...for all to see.
Everyone enjoys completing their work...
...with care.
In some block fours...
...on a couple of days of the week...
...when we have completed our work...
...we enjoy some play time.
We have some STEAM toys. STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
Puzzles are a great favourite...
...encouraging teamwork...
...and camaraderie.
Chrome books are a hit as well. We usually use them for research, but at the end of the day we may find time to play a game.
Concentrated efforts...
...but they stick with it!
Our safe space offers a couple of friends a good play area.
Still constructing.
Still computing.
No worry about the mess...they are good cleaner-uperers!
(Mr. Hamer created a new word!)
Puzzle fun!
Guess the head!
Hi there!
Puzzle done by a number of classmates, including these two.
Looks great!
He's helping a friend with his friend's butterfly.
A proud helper.
In science we studied the seasons then watched a Berenstain Bear's episode regarding how seasons affect us.
They are riveted to the screen.
Lots of fun in grade two on this day.
Have a lovely evening everyone! Mr. Hamer OCT
Time to point out our own work.
We take pride in our completed assignments.
Our creation board...
...allows us to show off...
...our creations!
Any work that appears on this board in the classroom...
...will be published into...
...a new class book.
There's a publishing machine... the office of the school.
Mr. Hamer has his own publishing machine... his home.
The smiles...
...and happy faces...
...tell it all.
We love to get our work up on the wall...
...for all to see.
Everyone enjoys completing their work...
...with care.
In some block fours...
...on a couple of days of the week...
...when we have completed our work...
...we enjoy some play time.
We have some STEAM toys. STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
Puzzles are a great favourite...
...encouraging teamwork...
...and camaraderie.
Chrome books are a hit as well. We usually use them for research, but at the end of the day we may find time to play a game.
Concentrated efforts...
...but they stick with it!
Our safe space offers a couple of friends a good play area.
Still constructing.
Still computing.
No worry about the mess...they are good cleaner-uperers!
(Mr. Hamer created a new word!)
Puzzle fun!
Guess the head!
Hi there!
Puzzle done by a number of classmates, including these two.
Looks great!
He's helping a friend with his friend's butterfly.
A proud helper.
In science we studied the seasons then watched a Berenstain Bear's episode regarding how seasons affect us.
They are riveted to the screen.
Lots of fun in grade two on this day.
Have a lovely evening everyone! Mr. Hamer OCT
Each day in Grade Two is a fun day.
This young lad brought in his railroad locomotive to show the class.
It's his Polar Express engine!
Children are hard at work finishing up some Remembrance Day activities.
Pizza time!
...we enjoyed our pizza party...
...for raising the most funds...
...for our school fundraiser.
Mme Pepe enjoys her slice.
The students do as well.
Hold those pizzas high!
And...they do!
Yabba dabba doo!
Way to go class!
We also received a bag of chips and a juice drink.
Love the fangs from Doritos! Hehehe!
Seeing as we are still in autumn... was time... think of autumn days.
Although they looked dressed for winter...along with the little snow person they made.
Looking good, girls!
During block four...
...we gathered at carpet...
...for a cool lesson...
...on African instruments from Ghana. The children check out the globe to see how one would fly from Ottawa to Europe first...then down to Ghana in west Africa.
We had a host of African instruments to see..
Both of Mr. Hamer's daughters travelled to Ghana to study under a master drummer with their local group known as Baobab. They did this when they were in their teen years.
We shared a video...
...of some dance forms from Ghana.
The children were so intriqued.
The girls and boys were showed this unique carving one of our daughters brought home as a gift. It is called a "Unity" as all three friends are united forever.
The person who carved this beautiful item did so from a single section of tree.
When you pull the cork on this small African toy...
...the birds begin to feed!
Too cool! We do have one student in our class whose parents were born in Ghana and the young lad was thrilled with everything that was brought in.
Here is a special yoyo...
...that when you pull the string... will spin.
This is a handmade instrument known as a "shekere" made from shells surrounding a seed pod.
Simply beautiful.
This little frog instrument is known as a guiro rasp.
You remove the stick from the frog's mouth and drape it down the frog's back to create unique sounds...many of which are found in nature.
This African shaker is made from...
...African "dream beans" known as "entada rheedii."
This is a double bell...
...known as a "gankoqui" bell.
Here are two bells. Note how each one contains two bells...both offering very different sounds.
This hand drum... know as an "adowa" drum.
The children enjoyed hitting the animal skin drumhead.
Then, we shared a video taken today at Rideau Hall where an Order of Canada ceremony took place.
My daughter works on the team that puts these ceremonies together for the Governor General.
This little ten year old girl did a great job singing the anthem.
The GG loved her voice!
Then we found some time to try out the instruments.
Yes, lots of cool sounds abounded throughout the class.
Lots of smiles too.
Some great learning... each child was given the opportunity... try things out.
Loads of fun...
...for everyone. (The day before, we compared a school day in a village in Ghana with a school day for us here in Canada.
Nearing the end of the day...
...we found a little bit more time to work on our new class book page.
Colourful indeed!
We also found some time... play... the end of the day...
...before getting dressed...
...and ready...
...for home time!
Have a great evening everyone! Mr. Hamer OCT
Let's check out...
...some of the literature we have been reading in class.
Bill Peet stories are fabulous for youngsters.
As are Chris Van Dusen books.
These are written in poetry...
...which grabs the attention of the boys and girls.
Dr. Seuss stories hold through the generations.
What an amazing man he was.
I've been in his home town of Springfield, Ma. a number of times for railroad conventions.
We focused on bully prevention this week...
...and this story taught us valuable lessons.
We learned about Rosie the Riveter...
...which tied in nicely with our theme of Remembrance the week before.
Another Andrea Beaty story the school children enjoyed was this one...
...which kept their attention from the front page to the back page.
Emma Chichester Clark's Bears Don't Read was a lovely story of...
...friendship and personal growth.
You will learn more about this wonderful story when I post pics from our "other" buddy class visit which took place during Block Four of Friday afternoon.
Our spelling list for Monday's test.
We learned all about the Magic "e".
We also learned of the long o sound made by "ow".
The children enjoyed the challenge of standing up in front of the Smartboard and facing away while trying to spell all seven words aloud in front of their peers.
Guess the head... a moment...
...almost there...
...there we go!
Guess the builder.
Here she is.
Two cool looking peers.
We used the magic "e" to turn the word "man" into the word "mane" where the word changed from a short-a sound to a long-a sound.
She circled the mane of the horse.
Mr. Hamer drew another animal with a mane...
...and here it is...a lion.
We also reviewed column addition. In the second example we found to addend which totalled 10 before adding the third number.
Snack time.
Learning commons time.
Ms. Avila is offering up instructions.
On the hunt...
...for the perfect book...
...takes a bit of time.
Then Ms. Avila...
...offered up "freebie" books to take home.
Back in class we relaxed...
...with our books...
...for a fun time.
Then in Block Four...
...our "other" buddy class came by for a visit for a lesson from Mr. Hamer. We say hello to Mrs. Blackmore and her students. Check in later on the weekend for pics from the visit!
Have a great weekend! Mr. Hamer OCT
As promised...some more pics from our buddy class lesson.
The story of Hattie and Hudson teaches us a valuable lesson...
...that we should never judge another simply by their looks.
It's what's inside that counts...who they are and how the conduct themselves.
The children are gathered at carpet to listen to Mr. Hamer read the story.
Mr. Hamer designed this "class page" sheet for the children based on the story.
Sister act.
Brotherly love.
Then it was time... get down to work...
...on our class book page.
The idea of buddying classes... to have the older children mentor the younger ones.
Just like we do with homework writing sometimes...
...the older pupils will write on a scrap of paper...
...what the younger students tell them...
...then our grade two friends...
...will copy the sentences down on their class book page.
Lots of great discussion going on...
...about the valuable life lesson...
...everyone learned...
...from listening to the story...
...of Hattie and Hudson.
Say!... can check out a read-aloud...
...of this lovely story... the link below...
Yes... is so much fun...
...when we learn together...
...with good friends...
...from another grade.
...even among siblings!
We love coming to school!
Mr. Hamer OCT
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