Hello parents and guardians. I'm thrilled to be your child's new classroom teacher. Mrs. Pilon is an amazing teacher and I know that she has made a huge difference in the life of your child already. Her new kindergarten classroom is just around the corner from ours and we will visit her to sing a number of times throughout the school year...
...just like this time last year when Mr. Hamer brought his class to visit Mr. Best's kinders.
We have way too much fun!
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If you wish to see the images in a larger format, simply click on the picture.
To return to the default look of the page, click outside the image.
The raindrops represent the many rules children must remember...but this diagram makes it a whole lot easier. Simply show respect and responsibility and you will cover all other rules. Show respect for yourself, others and the environment. Take responsibility each day and you will be prepared to learn with an open mind and an open heart.
Indeed, we are now into our fourth week of our first month in school. It is nice to see the children working so hard already!
Along with work comes prayer. We will say a daily prayer each morning and each afternoon.
Hey, we are thrilled to have our new climbing structure in the primary yard! Isn't it so colourful!
This week our class will make some hot air balloons to symbolize that we are "Up, Up and Away" in our learning. These balloons were made by Mr. Hamer's previous class.
An image from Mr. Hamer's old classroom located out in the portapack a couple of weeks ago.
We will make frequent use of the Smart Board to enhance our learning in all subject areas.
Our French teacher continues to be Mme Pepe, although French will now take place in Block Two before lunch.
During the first week of school, the entire student body from Grades 1-6 met in the gym to review the school expectations. I shared this with my class back in our own room to help deepen their understanding of what is to be expected of them.
Our boardwide theme.
Indeed, we are a strong partnership.
So many ways to show kindness.
Ways to show respect.
Jesus is our earliest teacher.
The Gospel Values we will highlight on a monthly basis in school.
These values tie in nicely with the Global Competencies listed above.
September's theme.
Showing responsibility.
A good idea for sure!
The children are competent in telling us which zone they are in.
Routines for recess times.
Our play structure expectations.
We divide our junior yard into various play areas.
Lunchroom routines.
The children use their "WITS" to solve issues they may encounter throughout their day.
We make it a strong goal to have St. Bernard Catholic School become a "No Bully" place.
Some little reminders.
Bus expectations.
Home time routines.
Another great idea!
Lots of good things to follow here.
We are proud of our pupils!
I ask the children to remember to be respectful and show responsibility. In doing so, all of the rules and routines outlined by our school's principal will be covered. Indeed, our students can take ownership of their own learning in such a special way!
Two friends from my recent class who have shown pride in their work.
We will have four new students arrive our classroom from Mr. Hamer's previous class.
They are thrilled to be joining your sons and daughters.
Their new class will be a straight Grade Two grouping...
...unlike their recent Grade 2/3 combined class.
This week we will continue to take off in our learning...
...as we create our butterfly art.
We will review the Bible story of Creation.
Two new items out in our junior yard...
...provide some seating and shade for the juniors.
The young lady on the right is Aya (pronounced I-Ya). She will be our co-op student. Aya will spend all of Block Three in our class with us.
Mr. Papineau's Grade 4/5 class will be our buddies this school year.
They are great mentors.
There's my good friend, Mr. Papineau.
We have reviewed the "Samaritans on the Digital Road" which offers lessons for the students in how to navigate their chrome books in a respectful and responsible manner.
The children saw the story of the Good Samaritan.
Indeed, we all strive to be Good Samaritans.
Your child's homework this week will be...
...writing about what they did over their summer vacation.
Parents are encouraged to conference with their child to come up with some of their favourite summer activities and experiences. There are many options. Parents can do the printing for the child on the sheet and help the child with the colouring.
Or...parents can print a rough copy on another sheet of paper and have their child copy the words on their good copy sheet...then colour.
The intent is to have the family gather for a little while throughout the week and enjoy each other's company as the work is completed. The homework is handed out each Monday and is due the following Monday. If your child has finished their work earlier, by all means, feel free to send it to school and hand it in ahead of time.
Your child's homework this week will be...
...writing about what they did over their summer vacation.
Parents are encouraged to conference with their child to come up with some of their favourite summer activities and experiences. There are many options. Parents can do the printing for the child on the sheet and help the child with the colouring.
Or...parents can print a rough copy on another sheet of paper and have their child copy the words on their good copy sheet...then colour.
The intent is to have the family gather for a little while throughout the week and enjoy each other's company as the work is completed. The homework is handed out each Monday and is due the following Monday. If your child has finished their work earlier, by all means, feel free to send it to school and hand it in ahead of time.
What a great staff we have.
We are truly blessed.
With the leaves turning on my burning bush, autumn is here.
We will enjoy a very successful Grade Two year together!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT
Fall arrived today, September 23rd and our new class gathered.

Mr. Hamer took this photo before the school day began.
When the 9:15 bell rang, we entered school and headed for the carpet.
We are a friendly looking bunch.
We are a happy crowd.
We are eager students.
We are so bright that Mr. Hamer tells us he should wear his sunglasses!
Great seating arrangements in class at the carpet.
Mr. Hamer taught us how to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Sambalele", two great songs. He tells us that when we have learned at least five songs we will visit Mrs. Pilon's new Kindergarten class!
Hey, the rains held off...
...and it was Mr. Hamer's class's turn on the new play structure...
...so...off we ran at recess...
...to enjoy this new item...
...on our playground!
Lots of smiles, for sure.
We work hard in class...
...while conducting seatwork.
Aya came to visit us in Block Three.
She helped us to write our agenda...
...and to practise printing the letter A.
Mr. Hamer then asked for a goofy smile! We obliged!
Here is our agenda for the day and our weekly spelling words.
We have until next Monday to complete our homework. Mr. Hamer tells us that we can always hand our homework in earlier if we get it done before the due date.
Our Spelling test will take place each Monday.
A handsome trio.
A lovely lass.
A colourful student.
While we had so much fun in school, it is always fun to line up at the end of the day!
Mr. Hamer snagged this interesting shot just after the storm clouds rolled in in the late afternoon.
Super Sam the Sentence Snake will greet the children Tuesday morning when they return to class. Sam loves it when we create great sounding sentences!
We have lots of bibles to read from.
Here is our new calendar area.
Check in at some point later in the week for more updates from the fourth week of school.
Mr. Hamer OCT
The sun shines brightly through the bank of windows along the south wall of the classroom.
The pupils gather at carpet.
This day was the 24th of September.
The marbles represent how many days we have been in school thus far.
This day was the 15th day of school.
We get down to work on our butterfly art. Mr. Hamer models the expectations.
Aya helps with the read-aloud in block three.
When the children enter the classroom following recess...
...we practise meditation as a calming activity following our outdoor play.
We are eager learners.
We want to learn so much.
Conducting our math work.
Smile for the camera.
Good friends.
The children love working together.
At our round tables.
Near Mr. Hamer's desk.
Friendly students.
Great classmates.
I did mention the sun...
...which filters into our classroom.
The following day is day sixteen.
The 25th of September.
Can you believe...
...that we are almost...
...done our first month of school? Yikes!
The beach towels are out.
That means one thing.
Our buddies from grade 4/5 will be visiting...
...to come to the park with us.
But...first...Mr. Hamer has to snap a picture of Mr. Papineau taking a picture of Mr. Hamer!
Our buddies are so nice.
Once we review the park expectations...
...we head across the street...
...and meet near the entrance.
Say cheese everyone!
Before we play...
...Mr. Hamer asks for...
...a picture of everyone...
...by the park tree.
She's prepared to get wet.
He might be too!
...the children are thrilled...
...to be at the park...
...with their classmates...
...and their friends.
Lovely smiles...
...on the part of all...
...help make the sun...
...shine even more brightly!
We are blessed...
...to have the park...
...right across from the school...
...with the new splash pad!
Time to get wet!
Only a few dare the water...
..but they're not afraid...
...of getting wet.
In fact...
...they are enjoying their time...
...at the wonderful splash pad.
Check in later in the week for more pics from our outing and from inside the classroom!
Mr. Hamer OCT
Let's check out...
...the other fun activities...
...we participated in...
...while we visited...
...the park across the street.
While some children splashed in the water...
...others hung around...
Lots of smiles...
He can navigate the web! Hehehe!
So can he.
A cool looking play structure.
What goes up...must come down.
Sand fun.
Our buddy class came over and is seen in the tennis court beside this wonderful grade two child.
To get wet...or not.
She got wet...
...and had a ball.
So did he!
Good friends.
Lots of splashing and spraying fun!
Taking a break.
With a humidex reading of 29 degrees water cooled us down.
Swing tire fun.
"Can you give us a push and a spin, Mr. Hamer!"
Fun in the sun and the sand.
Waiting for that big pail to tip.
Having a ball.
Good friends.
Say cheese!
Building a rhino fort!
Nice smile!
Creative fort builder.
He loves the structure.
A structure climber.
Ditto...once more!
The diggingest girl!
Where did her arm go?
Cool creation.
Hi there.
Way up high!
Back in class...
...we watched a Franklin video...
...about a swimming party...
...which was similar to our splash pad visit.
Love the furniture.
Hi Ms. Andrea!
Then it was down to work...
...at our desks...
...creating our hot air balloons.
Hard workers.
They share supplies nicely.
They work in groups nicely.
What an eager...
...and happy...
...group of children!
Indeed, an awesome class!
Check in later over the weekend for more pics from this week.
Mr. Hamer OCT
Our class Friday morning before school began.
The bell rang...
...and the children lined up...
...to come inside.
When they entered...
...the classroom...
...they were given...
...a Terry Fox sticker...
...which was a tattoo.
They enjoyed...
...placing the tattoo...
...on their arm...
...like this...
...and this.
Some wanted theirs on the their face.
What a nice idea to have the tattoos.
He wanted his on his shirt.
Looking good.
Too cool.
Then it was time...
...to head over...
...to the park...
...for the run.
The children...
...ran many laps...
...around the field.
Some chose to walk instead...
...but they sure had fun...
...either way.
Some classmates found siblings.
Check out the crowd!
...and friends.
Posing for pics...
...from Mr. Hamer's camera.
What beautiful weather for the run!
Here are some shots...
...from inside the classroom...
...taken the day before.
We were working on a class book.
We were also working on our butterflies.
Colourful children...
...all eager to work hard.
Here are some more photos...
...from our splash pad visit...
...to the park.
We enjoyed...
...many different...
In the sun.
In the sand.
Friday, block four...
...found the class...
...in the learning commons...
...with Ms. Avilla.
She reviewed...
...the library expectations.
The children listened intently...
...to all of the rules.
...seeing as it is "Orange Shirt Day!" Please google this day to learn more about the initiative.
Lilly wants you and your family to have a wonderful weekend!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT
Fall arrived today, September 23rd and our new class gathered.
Mr. Hamer took this photo before the school day began.
When the 9:15 bell rang, we entered school and headed for the carpet.
We are a friendly looking bunch.
We are a happy crowd.
We are eager students.
We are so bright that Mr. Hamer tells us he should wear his sunglasses!
Great seating arrangements in class at the carpet.
Mr. Hamer taught us how to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Sambalele", two great songs. He tells us that when we have learned at least five songs we will visit Mrs. Pilon's new Kindergarten class!
Hey, the rains held off...
...and it was Mr. Hamer's class's turn on the new play structure...
...so...off we ran at recess...
...to enjoy this new item...
...on our playground!
Lots of smiles, for sure.
We work hard in class...
...while conducting seatwork.
Aya came to visit us in Block Three.
She helped us to write our agenda...
...and to practise printing the letter A.
Mr. Hamer then asked for a goofy smile! We obliged!
Here is our agenda for the day and our weekly spelling words.
We have until next Monday to complete our homework. Mr. Hamer tells us that we can always hand our homework in earlier if we get it done before the due date.
Our Spelling test will take place each Monday.
A handsome trio.
A lovely lass.
A colourful student.
While we had so much fun in school, it is always fun to line up at the end of the day!
Mr. Hamer snagged this interesting shot just after the storm clouds rolled in in the late afternoon.
Super Sam the Sentence Snake will greet the children Tuesday morning when they return to class. Sam loves it when we create great sounding sentences!
We have lots of bibles to read from.
Here is our new calendar area.
Check in at some point later in the week for more updates from the fourth week of school.
Mr. Hamer OCT
The sun shines brightly through the bank of windows along the south wall of the classroom.
The pupils gather at carpet.
This day was the 24th of September.
The marbles represent how many days we have been in school thus far.
This day was the 15th day of school.
We get down to work on our butterfly art. Mr. Hamer models the expectations.
Aya helps with the read-aloud in block three.
When the children enter the classroom following recess...
...we practise meditation as a calming activity following our outdoor play.
We are eager learners.
We want to learn so much.
Conducting our math work.
Smile for the camera.
Good friends.
The children love working together.
At our round tables.
Near Mr. Hamer's desk.
Friendly students.
Great classmates.
I did mention the sun...
...which filters into our classroom.
The following day is day sixteen.
The 25th of September.
Can you believe...
...that we are almost...
...done our first month of school? Yikes!
The beach towels are out.
That means one thing.
Our buddies from grade 4/5 will be visiting...
...to come to the park with us.
But...first...Mr. Hamer has to snap a picture of Mr. Papineau taking a picture of Mr. Hamer!
Our buddies are so nice.
Once we review the park expectations...
...we head across the street...
...and meet near the entrance.
Say cheese everyone!
Before we play...
...Mr. Hamer asks for...
...a picture of everyone...
...by the park tree.
She's prepared to get wet.
He might be too!
...the children are thrilled...
...to be at the park...
...with their classmates...
...and their friends.
Lovely smiles...
...on the part of all...
...help make the sun...
...shine even more brightly!
We are blessed...
...to have the park...
...right across from the school...
...with the new splash pad!
Time to get wet!
Only a few dare the water...
..but they're not afraid...
...of getting wet.
In fact...
...they are enjoying their time...
...at the wonderful splash pad.
Check in later in the week for more pics from our outing and from inside the classroom!
Mr. Hamer OCT
Let's check out...
...the other fun activities...
...we participated in...
...while we visited...
...the park across the street.
While some children splashed in the water...
...others hung around...
Lots of smiles...
He can navigate the web! Hehehe!
So can he.
A cool looking play structure.
What goes up...must come down.
Sand fun.
Our buddy class came over and is seen in the tennis court beside this wonderful grade two child.
To get wet...or not.
She got wet...
...and had a ball.
So did he!
Good friends.
Lots of splashing and spraying fun!
Taking a break.
With a humidex reading of 29 degrees water cooled us down.
Swing tire fun.
"Can you give us a push and a spin, Mr. Hamer!"
Fun in the sun and the sand.
Waiting for that big pail to tip.
Having a ball.
Good friends.
Say cheese!
Building a rhino fort!
Nice smile!
Creative fort builder.
He loves the structure.
A structure climber.
Ditto...once more!
The diggingest girl!
Where did her arm go?
Cool creation.
Hi there.
Way up high!
Back in class...
...we watched a Franklin video...
...about a swimming party...
...which was similar to our splash pad visit.
Love the furniture.
Hi Ms. Andrea!
Then it was down to work...
...at our desks...
...creating our hot air balloons.
Hard workers.
They share supplies nicely.
They work in groups nicely.
What an eager...
...and happy...
...group of children!
Indeed, an awesome class!
Check in later over the weekend for more pics from this week.
Mr. Hamer OCT
Our class Friday morning before school began.
The bell rang...
...and the children lined up...
...to come inside.
When they entered...
...the classroom...
...they were given...
...a Terry Fox sticker...
...which was a tattoo.
They enjoyed...
...placing the tattoo...
...on their arm...
...like this...
...and this.
Some wanted theirs on the their face.
What a nice idea to have the tattoos.
He wanted his on his shirt.
Looking good.
Too cool.
Then it was time...
...to head over...
...to the park...
...for the run.
The children...
...ran many laps...
...around the field.
Some chose to walk instead...
...but they sure had fun...
...either way.
Some classmates found siblings.
Check out the crowd!
...and friends.
Posing for pics...
...from Mr. Hamer's camera.
What beautiful weather for the run!
Here are some shots...
...from inside the classroom...
...taken the day before.
We were working on a class book.
We were also working on our butterflies.
Colourful children...
...all eager to work hard.
Here are some more photos...
...from our splash pad visit...
...to the park.
We enjoyed...
...many different...
In the sun.
In the sand.
Friday, block four...
...found the class...
...in the learning commons...
...with Ms. Avilla.
She reviewed...
...the library expectations.
The children listened intently...
...to all of the rules.
Just a reminder to all of the students to wear an orange shirt on Monday...
...seeing as it is "Orange Shirt Day!" Please google this day to learn more about the initiative.
Lilly wants you and your family to have a wonderful weekend!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT
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